Luca Pancani
Department of Psychology, University of Milano-Bicocca
Email: luca.pancani@unimib.it
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7834-3826
Luca Pancani is an assistant professor in social psychology at the University of Milano-Bicocca. He got is PhD in social, cognitive, and clinical psychology at the University of Milano-Bicocca in 2016.
His main research interest concerns the influence of technology in everyday life. Specifically, he is currently working on several projects that investigate the psychosocial antecedents and consequences of smartphone use, and a series of specific social phenomena related to it (e.g., Phubbing, Ghosting, Fear of Missing Out). Along with these topics, Luca works in the field of health psychology, investigating the psychological and social processes underlying behavior change.
Luca is an expert methodologist. The attendance to several advanced courses in research methods and data analysis, and the experience gained during his career, have led Luca to develop excellent skills in devising and managing studies with complex design (e.g., longitudinal studies, ecological momentary assessment design, self- and peer-rating), as well as mastering several data analysis techniques, such as structural equation modeling, growth curve models, multilevel and mixed models, cluster and latent class analysis. He is currently teaching data analysis for social sciences in different Italian universities both at master and doctoral level.