August 2023
The second edition of the summer school “Social Connections and Well-Being in the Digital Era” took place in the beautiful context of the Lake Como.
You can read the full report here.

July 2023
From June 30th to July 4th, our lab participated in the 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP) in Kraków, Poland.
- Paolo Riva presented our work “Social exclusion in the digital era: Investigating Schachter’s Research on Rejection, Deviance, and Communication (1951) in online groups discussion”.
- Luca Pancani presented a poster entitled “The digital ostracism phenomenon: Phubbing, ghosting, and orbiting”.
- Marco Marinucci gave a talk titled “To whom should I turn? Intergroup social connections moderate social exclusion’s short- and long-term psychological impact on immigrants”.
- Alessia Telari presented “A New Experimental Paradigm to Study the Effects of Ghosting Using an Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) Methodology”.
We also had the opportunity to meet with the growing community of researchers studying social exclusion and share many exciting ideas!

March 2023
Summer School “Social Connections and Well-Being in the Digital Era”
Lake Como (Italy) – July 31st – August 4th 2023
Registration is open!
We are pleased to announce a new edition of the summer school on social connections and well-being in the digital era. It will take place in presence on Lake Como (Italy) from July 31 to August 4 2023.
The Summer School aims to offer an overview of the most cutting-edge psychological theories and research on the social impacts of digital technologies. The impacts of various platforms and devices will be considered, including already widespread (e.g., smartphones, social media, social chatbots) and frontier ones (e.g., social robots and virtual reality). Four primary focuses will be discussed: social influence in the digital era (day 1), social exclusion, aggression, and antisocial practices online (day 2), social norms and morality in digital contexts (day 3), and fake news and interpersonal trust in the digital era (day 4),
For more details on the program and the list of speakers, visit the school’s homepage: https://cwde2.lakecomoschool.org/
Registration is now open, and the deadline for registration is May 2nd 2023. To apply, fill out the online form at ConnectionsDigitalEraSchool
To inquire about logistics issues (e.g., travel arrangements, and accommodation options), please contact chiara.stefanetti@fondazionealessandrovolta.it. To inquire about the scientific program, please contact ConnectionsDigitalEraSchool@gmail.com
May 2022

March 2022
October 2021
Marco Marinucci and Nicolas Aureli attended the “Small Group Meeting in Social Exclusion and Rejection Research” at the University of Basel, Switzerland.

August 2021
The summer school “Social Connections and Well-Being in the Digital Era” on Lake Como ended happily.
You can read the full report here.

July 2021
The commission (Commissione: Francesca D’Errico, Camilla Matera, Emilio Paolo Visentin) decided to award as the best article among those in competition:
Pancani, L., Gerosa, T., Gui, M., & Riva, P. (in press). “Mom, dad, look at me”: The development of the Parental Phubbing Scale. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

The commission composed of: Prof. Michela Menegatti – University of Bologna, Prof. Luca Andrighetto – University of Genoa, Dr. Natale Canale – University of Padua agreed on the awarding of the prize to Marco Marinucci for the thesis entitled: “Social exclusion in immigrants: how intergroup social connections influence its impact”

June 2021
The commission (Gianni Marchetti, Nicoletta Cavazza, Elvira Cicognani) decided to award as the best article among those in competition:
Marinucci, M., & Riva, P. (2021). Surrendering to social emptiness: Chronic social exclusion longitudinally predicts resignation in asylum seekers. British Journal of Social Psychology, 60(2), 429-447.

May 2021
Summer School “Social Connections and Well-Being in the Digital Era”
Lake Como (Italy) – August 23 – 27, 2021
Registration is open!
We are pleased to announce the summer school on social connections and well-being in the digital era. It will take place in presence on Lake Como (Italy) from 23 to 27 August 2021.
The Summer School aims at offering an overview of the most cutting-edge psychological theories and research on the social impacts of digital technologies. The impacts of various platforms and devices will be considered, including already widespread (e.g., smartphones, social media) and frontier ones (e.g., social chatbots, social robots, and virtual reality). Four primary focuses will be discussed: social connections in the digital era (day 1), connecting and interacting with social robots (day 2), exploring the social dimension in technology-enhanced learning processes (day 3), and digital interventions to foster well-being (day 4).
For more details on the program and the list of speakers, visit the school’s homepage: https://cwde.lakecomoschool.org/
Registration is now open, and the deadline for the registration is 7th of June 2021. To apply, fill out the online form at ConnectionsDigitalEraSchool
To inquire about logistics issues (e.g., travel arrangements, accommodation options), please contact chiara.stefanetti@fondazionealessandrovolta.it. To inquire about the scientific program, please contact ConnectionsDigitalEraSchool@gmail.com
March 2021
Marco Marinucci succesfully defended his Ph.D. thesis titled ” Social Exclusion in Immigrants: How intergroup social connections influence its impact”.
February 2020
Marco Marinucci attended the “Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s (SPSP) Annual Convention“ in New Orleans presenting posters titled “How intergroup social connections shape immigrants psychological responses to social exclusion” and “Prestige and Dominance hierarchies: a latent-class analysis to examine the sociometric status of 15,002 students“.
September 2020
With Dr. Patrice Rusconi & Konstantin Chterev. Project: Effects of isolation and confinement on individuals’ psychological states and coping strategies: A study on social exclusion in the LUNARK project. Proposal selected by the Lunark Space program, investigating the psychological impacts of socil isolation in a lunar environment.
June 2019
Davide Mazzoni attended “The Migration Conference“ in Bari (Italy) presenting a work titled “The role of smartphones in the migration process: Achieving belonging via information and communication technologies.”
May 2019
Tom Denson (Professor in the School of Psychology at the University of New South Wales) visited our lab and present his research on self-control and aggression to our Department.
March 2019
Marco Marinucci attended Workshop “How to specify panel data analyses“ (by Josef Brüderl), which took place at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), Mannheim (Germany).
Brad J. Bushman (Professor of Communication & Psychology at Ohio State University) visited our lab and presented to the Departiment of Psychology his latest research on Narcisism and Aggressio